Professional Services

Through Gracie House LLC, based in Maryland, I bring 30 years of fraud, corruption, and oversight expertise.

I wrote the book on fraud risk and oversight, having authored the award-winning book, Left Holding the Bag: A Watchdog's Account of How Washington Fumbled its COVID Test (2023) and contributed on Public Sector Enterprise Risk Management: Advancing Beyond the Basics (2019).

  • Public speaker on leadership and future of oversight topics. 

In addition to writing and public speaking, I also help individuals and organizations face new challenges, envision a new future, and chart new paths. 

I'm an attorney, certified public accountant, certified internal auditor and former federal investigator. I understand the strategies and solutions that oversight professionals and organizations need to be tackle 21st century problems. I focus on cold-hard facts and practical solutions. 

Through individual or teaming arrangements, I can help you:

  • special inquiries, including independent audits, reviews, evaluations or investigations
  • quality assessment readiness reviews
  • leadership mentoring/coaching
  • technical assistance and specialized training
  • strategic planning
  • risk assessments
  • organizational assessments
  • integrity monitorships

Available for domestic and international engagements. 

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